
In this section we describe how to configure and use the API library.


Include the header file and make a global class instance, i.e., put it outside of any function at the top of the sketch. The constructor of this class takes five variables:

position description abbreviation
1 clock pin CLK
2 data in pin DIN
3 data out pin DOUT
4 chip select pin CS
5 chip type  

The chip type should be true for the MAX7301AAX, false otherwise.

type pins value
MAX7301AAX 36 true
MAX7301ANI 28 false
MAX7301AAI 28 false

If, for example, we have the clock, data in, data out and chip select on pins 4, 5, 6 and 7 respectively and our chip is of type MAX7301ANI, initialise the class instance as follows:

#include <max7301.h>

MAX7301 max7301(4, 5, 6, 7, false);

After initialisation, the MAX7301 is in shutdown mode. Use the enable() function to make it enter normal operation mode. This is typically done in the setup() function.


Pins can be configured by using the pinMode() function which takes the pin number and a mode as arguments.

mode description
GPIO_OUTPUT logic output
GPIO_INPUT logic input
GPIO_INPUT_PULLUP logic input with internal pullup

For example, configure pin 12 as an input with the internal pullup resistor enabled and pin 22 as an output:

max7301.pinMode(12, GPIO_INPUT_PULLUP);
max7301.pinMode(22, GPIO_OUTPUT);

The pin configuration can be queried with the getPinMode() function.

byte result = max7301.getPinMode(12); // Should return GPIO_INPUT_PULLUP.


The functions digitalRead() and digitalWrite() can be used to read from a pin, or write to a pin.

byte result = max7301.digitalRead(12);
max7301.digitalWrite(22, HIGH);

The functions digitalReadRange() and digitalWriteRange() can be used to read from up to 8 consecutive pin at once. The first parameter indicates the first pin in the range. The pin states are encoded in one byte with the pin with the lowest number in its least significant position.

byte result = max7301.digitalReadRange(12); // Read pin 12-19.
max7301.digitalWriteRange(22, 0x01);        // Set pin 22 HIGH and 23-29 LOW.


The MAX7301 can be put in shutdown mode with the disable() function. In this mode, all pins are set to input and the pullup resistors are turned off.


Transition detection

The MAX7301 is capable of transition detection on pins 24 to 30. If a transition is detected, pin 31 will go high.

To set this up, the pins must be configured correctly with the pinMode() function and the input pins must be registered for active monitoring with the configureTransitionDetection() function.

First make sure pin 31 is configured as an output pin.

max7301.pinMode(31, GPIO_OUTPUT);

To configure pin 24 as input:

max7301.pinMode(24, GPIO_INPUT);
max7301.configureTransitionDetection(24, true);

Finally, activate transition detection with the enableTransitionDetection() function. This function must be called after every transition event to reenable transition detection.


Transition detection can be disabled with the disableTransitionDetection() function.

Low level functions

Registers can be read with the read() function and written to with the write() function. The first parameter is the address of the register.

byte result =; // First port configuration register.
max7301.write(0x09, 0x55);        // Set port 4-7 to output.